Política de privacidad


LA CENA CRIMINAL marca de ENGESSER MARKETING GMBH, como Responsable del Tratamiento, le informa que, según lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679, de 27 de abril, (RGPD) y en la L.O. 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de protección de datos y garantía de los derechos digitales (LOPDGDD), trataremos su datos tal y como reflejamos en la presente Política de Privacidad.

En esta Política de Privacidad describimos cómo recogemos sus datos personales y por qué los recogemos, qué hacemos con ellos, con quién los compartimos, cómo los protegemos y sus opciones en cuanto al tratamiento de sus datos personales.

Esta Política se aplica al tratamiento de sus datos personales recogidos por la empresa para la prestación de sus servicios. Si acepta las medidas de esta Política, acepta que tratemos sus datos personales como se define en esta Política.


Denominación social: ENGESSER MARKETING GMBH
Nombre comercial: LA CENA CRIMINAL
NIF: DE309164296
Domicilio: Marktplatz 16, 71263 Weil der Stadt
e-mail: info@la-cena-criminal.es

Fuentes de imágenes: Pixabay pixabay.com


Siempre hemos estado comprometidos con prestar nuestros servicios con el más alto grado de calidad, lo que incluye tratar sus datos con seguridad y transparencia. Nuestros principios son:

    • Legalidad: Solo recopilaremos sus Datos personales para fines específicos, explícitos y legítimos.
    • Minimización de datos: Limitamos la recogida de datos de carácter personal a lo que es estrictamente relevante y necesario para los fines para los que se han recopilado.
    • Limitación de la Finalidad: Solo recogeremos sus datos personales para los fines declarados y solo según sus deseos.
    • Precisión: Mantendremos sus datos personales exactos y actualizados.
    • Seguridad de los Datos: Aplicamos las medidas técnicas y organizativas adecuadas y proporcionales a los riesgos para garantizar que sus datos no sufran daños, tales como divulgación o acceso no autorizado, la destrucción accidental o ilícita o su pérdida accidental o alteración y cualquier otra forma de tratamiento ilícito.
    • Acceso y Rectificación: Disponemos de medios para que acceda o rectifique sus datos cuando lo considere oportuno.
    • Conservación: Conservamos sus datos personales de manera legal y apropiada y solo mientras es necesario para los fines para los que se han recopilado.
    • Las transferencias internacionales: cuando se dé el caso de que sus datos vayan a ser transferidos fuera de la UE/EEE se protegerán adecuadamente.
    • Terceros: El acceso y transferencia de datos personales a terceros se llevan a cabo de acuerdo con las leyes y reglamentos aplicables y con las garantías contractuales adecuadas.
    • Marketing Directo y cookies: Cumplimos con la legislación aplicable en materia de publicidad y cookies.


Los tipos de datos que se pueden solicitar y tratar son:

    • Datos de carácter identificativo.

También recogemos de forma automática datos sobre su visita a nuestro sitio web según se describe en la política de cookies.

Siempre que solicitemos sus Datos personales, le informaremos con claridad de qué datos personales recogemos y con qué fin. En general, recogemos y tratamos sus datos personales con el propósito de:

    • Proporcionar información, servicios, productos, información relevante y novedades en el sector.
    • Envío de comunicaciones.


De acuerdo con la normativa de protección de datos aplicable, sus datos personales podrán tratarse siempre que:

    • Nos ha dado su consentimiento a los efectos del tratamiento. Por supuesto podrá retirar su consentimiento en cualquier momento.
    • Por requerimiento legal.
    • Por exisitr un interés legítimo que no se vea menoscabado por sus derechos de privacidad, como por ejemplo el envío de información comercial bien por suscripción a nuestra newsletter o por su condición de cliente.
    • Por ser necesaria para la prestación de alguno de nuestros servicios mediante relación contractual entre usted y nosotros.


Los datos pueden ser comunicados a empresas relacionadas con ENGESSER MARKETING GMBH para la prestación de los diversos servicios en calidad de Encargados del Tratamiento. La empresa no realizará ninguna cesión, salvo por obligación legal.


En relación con la recogida y tratamiento de sus datos personales, puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en cualquier momento para:

    • Acceder a sus datos personales y a cualquier otra información indicada en el Artículo 15.1 del RGPD.
    • Rectificar sus datos personales que sean inexactos o estén incompletos de acuerdo con el Artículo 16 del RGPD.
    • Suprimir sus datos personales de acuerdo con el Artículo 17 del RGPD.
    • Limitar el tratamiento de sus datos personales de acuerdo con el Artículo 18 del RGPD.
    • Solicitar la portabilidad de sus datos de acuerdo con el Artículo 20 del RGPD.
    • Oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos personales de acuerdo con el artículo 21 del RGPD.

Si ha otorgado su consentimiento para alguna finalidad concreta, tiene derecho a retirar el consentimiento otorgado en cualquier momento, sin que ello afecte a la licitud del tratamiento basado en el consentimiento previo a su retirada rrhh.
Puede ejercer estos derechos enviando comunicación, motivada y acreditada, a info@la-cena-criminal.es.

También tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de control competente (www.aepd.es) si considera que el tratamiento no se ajusta a la normativa vigente.


Los requisitos de esta Política complementan, y no reemplazan, cualquier otro requisito existente bajo la ley de protección de datos aplicable, que será la que prevalezca en cualquier caso.
Esta Política está sujeta a revisiones periódicas y la empresa puede modificarla en cualquier momento. Cuando esto ocurra, le avisaremos de cualquier cambio y le pediremos que vuelva a leer la versión más reciente de nuestra Política y que confirme su aceptación.


¿Qué son las cookies?

Las cookies son pequeñas cantidades de información que se almacenan en el navegador utilizado por cada usuario para que el servidor recuerde cierta información que posteriormente pueda utilizar.

¿Qué tipos de cookies utilizamos?

Esta página web utiliza cookies de terceros que son aquellas que se envían a tu ordenador o terminal desde un dominio o una página web que no es gestionada por nosotros, sino por otra entidad que trata los datos obtenidos a través de las cookies. En este caso las Cookies son utilizadas con fines estadísticos relacionados con las visitas que recibe y las páginas que se consultan, quedando aceptado su uso al navegar por ella.

En La cena criminal utilizamos los siguientes tipos de cookies:

  • Cookies estrictamente necesarias: Son necesarias para el funcionamiento básico del sitio web. Sin ellas, no podrías navegar por el sitio o utilizar sus funciones esenciales.
  • Cookies de rendimiento: Recogen información sobre cómo los usuarios interactúan con el sitio web, como las páginas que visitan con más frecuencia o si reciben mensajes de error. Estas cookies nos ayudan a mejorar el rendimiento del sitio.
  • Cookies funcionales: Permiten recordar las opciones que has seleccionado (como el idioma o la región) y ofrecen características personalizadas, mejorando tu experiencia.
  • Cookies de publicidad y análisis: Se utilizan para personalizar los anuncios mostrados, basándose en tus intereses, y para recopilar datos sobre tus hábitos de navegación para realizar análisis y mejorar nuestros servicios.

Si desea más información más sobre los tipos de cookies de seguimiento y análisis de datos de Google haga clic aquí.

¿Cómo puedo gestionar las cookies?

Puedes gestionar y bloquear las cookies en cualquier momento a través de la configuración de tu navegador. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que, si desactivas las cookies, algunas funciones del sitio web pueden no funcionar correctamente.

Para cambiar la configuración de cookies en tu navegador, puedes seguir estos enlaces para las instrucciones más comunes:

Aceptación de nuestra política de cookies

Al continuar navegando por nuestro sitio web, aceptas el uso de cookies tal y como se describe en esta política. Si no estás de acuerdo con el uso de cookies, te recomendamos que configures tu navegador para que las bloquee o que dejes de utilizar nuestro sitio web.

Cambios en nuestra política de cookies

Podemos actualizar nuestra política de cookies de vez en cuando para reflejar, por ejemplo, cambios en las tecnologías utilizadas o en la legislación aplicable. Te recomendamos que revises periódicamente esta página para estar informado de cualquier actualización.

Si tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre nuestra política de cookies, no dudes en contactarnos a través de info@la-cena-criminal.es.

Condiciones de participación en concursos

Condiciones de Participación en el Sorteo de Entradas para Cena Criminal


El presente sorteo está organizado por La Cena Criminal, marca comercial de Engesser Marketing GmbH, con domicilio en Marktplatz 16, 71263 Weil der Stadt, y tiene como finalidad premiar la fidelidad de nuestros seguidores y clientes con dos entradas para uno de nuestros eventos.


El sorteo se desarrollará exclusivamente en Facebook e Instagram. La participación es gratuita y está limitada a mayores de 18 años.


Las fechas y horarios de participación serán comunicados via redes sociales en las publicaciones de los diferentes sorteos.


Para participar, los interesados deberán cumplir con los siguientes pasos:
1. Seguir nuestra cuenta de @la.cena.criminal.
2. Darle like al post.
3. Comentar con quién te gustaría ir.
4. Compartirlo en historias para aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar
Cada comentario válido realizado por el participante será contabilizado como una oportunidad adicional en el sorteo, incrementando así sus posibilidades de ser seleccionado. Asimismo, la publicación de stories relacionadas con el sorteo que cumplan las condiciones establecidas también será considerada como una participación extra.


El premio consiste en dos (2) invitaciones (entrada gratuita) para un evento de La Cena Criminal, que podrán ser utilizadas en cualquier fecha disponible dentro de los 6 meses siguientes a la fecha de expedición del premio. Las entradas son personales e intransferibles, y no se podrán canjear por dinero ni por ningún otro producto o servicio.


El ganador será seleccionado de forma aleatoria.
La notificación del ganador se realizará mediante mensaje directo y publicación en redes sociales el día siguiente a la finalización del sorteo.
Si el ganador no responde en un plazo de 72 horas, se procederá a realizar un nuevo sorteo para seleccionar a otro ganador.


El ganador deberá confirmar la aceptación del premio respondiendo a la notificación dentro del plazo indicado. La Cena Criminal se reserva el derecho de solicitar la documentación necesaria para verificar la identidad del participante.


• La Cena Criminal no se responsabiliza de la imposibilidad del ganador de utilizar las entradas en el plazo estipulado.
• Cualquier falsificación de datos, incumplimiento de las bases o uso fraudulento implicará la descalificación inmediata del participante.


En cumplimiento de la normativa vigente en materia de protección de datos, los participantes aceptan que sus datos serán tratados exclusivamente para la gestión del sorteo. Una vez finalizado el sorteo, estos datos serán eliminados de nuestros registros.
Para más información, puedes consultar nuestra Política de Privacidad.


La participación en este sorteo implica la aceptación total de estas condiciones.
Para cualquier duda o consulta, puedes contactar con nosotros a través del correo electrónico info@la-cena-criminal.es.


La Cena Criminal se reserva el derecho de modificar estas condiciones o cancelar el sorteo en caso de fuerza mayor, notificándolo a los participantes a través de los mismos medios en los que se publicó inicialmente el sorteo.

Privacy Policy – English

1. An overview of data protection

General information

The following information will provide you with an easy to navigate overview of what will happen with your personal data when you visit this website. The term “personal data” comprises all data that can be used to personally identify you. For detailed information about the subject matter of data protection, please consult our Data Protection Declaration, which we have included beneath this copy.

Data recording on this website

Who is the responsible party for the recording of data on this website (i.e., the “controller”)?

The data on this website is processed by the operator of the website, whose contact information is available under section “Information about the responsible party (referred to as the “controller” in the GDPR)” in this Privacy Policy.

How do we record your data?

We collect your data as a result of your sharing of your data with us. This may, for instance be information you enter into our contact form.

Other data shall be recorded by our IT systems automatically or after you consent to its recording during your website visit. This data comprises primarily technical information (e.g., web browser, operating system, or time the site was accessed). This information is recorded automatically when you access this website.

What are the purposes we use your data for?

A portion of the information is generated to guarantee the error free provision of the website. Other data may be used to analyze your user patterns.

What rights do you have as far as your information is concerned?

You have the right to receive information about the source, recipients, and purposes of your archived personal data at any time without having to pay a fee for such disclosures. You also have the right to demand that your data are rectified or eradicated. If you have consented to data processing, you have the option to revoke this consent at any time, which shall affect all future data processing. Moreover, you have the right to demand that the processing of your data be restricted under certain circumstances. Furthermore, you have the right to log a complaint with the competent supervising agency.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions about this or any other data protection related issues.

Analysis tools and tools provided by third parties

There is a possibility that your browsing patterns will be statistically analyzed when your visit this website. Such analyses are performed primarily with what we refer to as analysis programs.

For detailed information about these analysis programs please consult our Data Protection Declaration below.

2. Hosting

We are hosting the content of our website at the following provider:


The provider is the Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG, Königsberger Straße 4-6, 32339 Espelkamp, Germany (hereinafter referred to as Mittwald).

For details, please view the data privacy policy of Mittwald: https://www.mittwald.de/datenschutz.

We use Mittwald on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in the most reliable depiction of our website possible. If appropriate consent has been obtained, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG, insofar the consent includes the storage of cookies or the access to information in the user’s end device (e.g., device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TDDDG. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Data processing

We have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) for the use of the above-mentioned service. This is a contract mandated by data privacy laws that guarantees that they process personal data of our website visitors only based on our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

3. General information and mandatory information

Data protection

The operators of this website and its pages take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Hence, we handle your personal data as confidential information and in compliance with the statutory data protection regulations and this Data Protection Declaration.

Whenever you use this website, a variety of personal information will be collected. Personal data comprises data that can be used to personally identify you. This Data Protection Declaration explains which data we collect as well as the purposes we use this data for. It also explains how, and for which purpose the information is collected.

We herewith advise you that the transmission of data via the Internet (i.e., through e-mail communications) may be prone to security gaps. It is not possible to completely protect data against third-party access.

Information about the responsible party (referred to as the “controller” in the GDPR)

The data processing controller on this website is:

engesser marketing GmbH
Marktplatz 16
71263 Weil der Stadt

Vertreten durch: Harald Engesser

Phone: +49 (0)7033 548 78550
E-mail: info@la-cena-criminal.es

The controller is the natural person or legal entity that single-handedly or jointly with others makes decisions as to the purposes of and resources for the processing of personal data (e.g., names, e-mail addresses, etc.).

Storage duration

Unless a more specific storage period has been specified in this privacy policy, your personal data will remain with us until the purpose for which it was collected no longer applies. If you assert a justified request for deletion or revoke your consent to data processing, your data will be deleted, unless we have other legally permissible reasons for storing your personal data (e.g., tax or commercial law retention periods); in the latter case, the deletion will take place after these reasons cease to apply.

General information on the legal basis for the data processing on this website

If you have consented to data processing, we process your personal data on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR or Art. 9 (2)(a) GDPR, if special categories of data are processed according to Art. 9 (1) DSGVO. In the case of explicit consent to the transfer of personal data to third countries, the data processing is also based on Art. 49 (1)(a) GDPR. If you have consented to the storage of cookies or to the access to information in your end device (e.g., via device fingerprinting), the data processing is additionally based on § 25 (1) TDDDG. The consent can be revoked at any time. If your data is required for the fulfillment of a contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures, we process your data on the basis of Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR. Furthermore, if your data is required for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, we process it on the basis of Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR. Furthermore, the data processing may be carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest according to Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. Information on the relevant legal basis in each individual case is provided in the following paragraphs of this privacy policy.

Information on the data transfer to third-party countries that are not secure under data protection law and the transfer to US companies that are not DPF-certified

We use, among other technologies, tools from companies located in third-party countries that are not safe under data protection law, as well as US tools whose providers are not certified under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF). If these tools are enabled, your personal data may be transferred to and processed in these countries. We would like you to note that no level of data protection comparable to that in the EU can be guaranteed in third countries that are insecure in terms of data protection law.

We would like to point out that the US, as a secure third-party country, generally has a level of data protection comparable to that of the EU. Data transfer to the US is therefore permitted if the recipient is certified under the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF) or has appropriate additional assurances. Information on transfers to third-party countries, including the data recipients, can be found in this Privacy Policy.

Recipients of personal data

In the scope of our business activities, we cooperate with various external parties. In some cases, this also requires the transfer of personal data to these external parties. We only disclose personal data to external parties if this is required as part of the fulfillment of a contract, if we are legally obligated to do so (e.g., disclosure of data to tax authorities), if we have a legitimate interest in the disclosure pursuant to Art. 6 (1)(f) GDPR, or if another legal basis permits the disclosure of this data. When using processors, we only disclose personal data of our customers on the basis of a valid contract on data processing. In the case of joint processing, a joint processing agreement is concluded.

Revocation of your consent to the processing of data

A wide range of data processing transactions are possible only subject to your express consent. You can also revoke at any time any consent you have already given us. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data collection that occurred prior to your revocation.

Right to object to the collection of data in special cases; right to object to direct advertising (Art. 21 GDPR)



Right to log a complaint with the competent supervisory agency

In the event of violations of the GDPR, data subjects are entitled to log a complaint with a supervisory agency, in particular in the member state where they usually maintain their domicile, place of work or at the place where the alleged violation occurred. The right to log a complaint is in effect regardless of any other administrative or court proceedings available as legal recourses.

Right to data portability

You have the right to have data that we process automatically on the basis of your consent or in fulfillment of a contract handed over to you or to a third party in a common, machine-readable format. If you should demand the direct transfer of the data to another controller, this will be done only if it is technically feasible.

Information about, rectification and eradication of data

Within the scope of the applicable statutory provisions, you have the right to demand information about your archived personal data, their source and recipients as well as the purpose of the processing of your data at any time. You may also have a right to have your data rectified or eradicated. If you have questions about this subject matter or any other questions about personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Right to demand processing restrictions

You have the right to demand the imposition of restrictions as far as the processing of your personal data is concerned. To do so, you may contact us at any time. The right to demand restriction of processing applies in the following cases:

  • In the event that you should dispute the correctness of your data archived by us, we will usually need some time to verify this claim. During the time that this investigation is ongoing, you have the right to demand that we restrict the processing of your personal data.
  • If the processing of your personal data was/is conducted in an unlawful manner, you have the option to demand the restriction of the processing of your data instead of demanding the eradication of this data.
  • If we do not need your personal data any longer and you need it to exercise, defend or claim legal entitlements, you have the right to demand the restriction of the processing of your personal data instead of its eradication.
  • If you have raised an objection pursuant to Art. 21(1) GDPR, your rights and our rights will have to be weighed against each other. As long as it has not been determined whose interests prevail, you have the right to demand a restriction of the processing of your personal data.

If you have restricted the processing of your personal data, these data – with the exception of their archiving – may be processed only subject to your consent or to claim, exercise or defend legal entitlements or to protect the rights of other natural persons or legal entities or for important public interest reasons cited by the European Union or a member state of the EU.

SSL and/or TLS encryption

For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as purchase orders or inquiries you submit to us as the website operator, this website uses either an SSL or a TLS encryption program. You can recognize an encrypted connection by checking whether the address line of the browser switches from “http://” to “https://” and also by the appearance of the lock icon in the browser line.

If the SSL or TLS encryption is activated, data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.

4. Recording of data on this website


Our websites and pages use what the industry refers to as “cookies.” Cookies are small data packages that do not cause any damage to your device. They are either stored temporarily for the duration of a session (session cookies) or they are permanently archived on your device (permanent cookies). Session cookies are automatically deleted once you terminate your visit. Permanent cookies remain archived on your device until you actively delete them, or they are automatically eradicated by your web browser.

Cookies can be issued by us (first-party cookies) or by third-party companies (so-called third-party cookies). Third-party cookies enable the integration of certain services of third-party companies into websites (e.g., cookies for handling payment services).

Cookies have a variety of functions. Many cookies are technically essential since certain website functions would not work in the absence of these cookies (e.g., the shopping cart function or the display of videos). Other cookies may be used to analyze user behavior or for promotional purposes.

Cookies, which are required for the performance of electronic communication transactions, for the provision of certain functions you want to use (e.g., for the shopping cart function) or those that are necessary for the optimization (required cookies) of the website (e.g., cookies that provide measurable insights into the web audience), shall be stored on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR, unless a different legal basis is cited. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the storage of required cookies to ensure the technically error-free and optimized provision of the operator’s services. If your consent to the storage of the cookies and similar recognition technologies has been requested, the processing occurs exclusively on the basis of the consent obtained (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG); this consent may be revoked at any time.

You have the option to set up your browser in such a manner that you will be notified any time cookies are placed and to permit the acceptance of cookies only in specific cases. You may also exclude the acceptance of cookies in certain cases or in general or activate the delete-function for the automatic eradication of cookies when the browser closes. If cookies are deactivated, the functions of this website may be limited.

Which cookies and services are used on this website can be found in this privacy policy.

Consent with Cookiebot

Our website uses consent technology from Cookiebot to obtain your consent to the storage of certain cookies on your end device or for the use of certain technologies and to document this in a data protection-compliant manner. The provider of this technology is Cybot A/S, Havnegade 39, 1058 Copenhagen, Denmark (hereinafter “Cookiebot”).

When you enter our website, a connection is established with the Cookiebot servers to obtain your consent and provide you with other explanations regarding the use of cookies. Cookiebot will then store a cookie in your browser to identify the consent you have given or its revocation. The data collected in this way is stored until you request us to delete it, delete the Cookiebot cookie itself or the purpose for which the data is stored no longer applies. Mandatory legal storage obligations remain unaffected.

Cookiebot is used to obtain the legally required consent for the use of cookies. The legal basis for this is Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR.

Data processing

We have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) for the use of the above-mentioned service. This is a contract mandated by data privacy laws that guarantees that they process personal data of our website visitors only based on our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

Server log files

The provider of this website and its pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser communicates to us automatically. The information comprises:

  • The type and version of browser used
  • The used operating system
  • Referrer URL
  • The hostname of the accessing computer
  • The time of the server inquiry
  • The IP address

This data is not merged with other data sources.

This data is recorded on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the technically error free depiction and the optimization of the operator’s website. In order to achieve this, server log files must be recorded.

Request by e-mail, telephone, or fax

If you contact us by e-mail, telephone or fax, your request, including all resulting personal data (name, request) will be stored and processed by us for the purpose of processing your request. We do not pass these data on without your consent.

These data are processed on the basis of Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR if your inquiry is related to the fulfillment of a contract or is required for the performance of pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, the data are processed on the basis of our legitimate interest in the effective handling of inquiries submitted to us (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) or on the basis of your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR) if it has been obtained; the consent can be revoked at any time.

The data sent by you to us via contact requests remain with us until you request us to delete, revoke your consent to the storage or the purpose for the data storage lapses (e.g. after completion of your request). Mandatory statutory provisions – in particular statutory retention periods – remain unaffected.

5. Analysis tools and advertising

Google Tag Manager

We use the Google Tag Manager. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

The Google Tag Manager is a tool that allows us to integrate tracking or statistical tools and other technologies on our website. The Google Tag Manager itself does not create any user profiles, does not store cookies, and does not carry out any independent analyses. It only manages and runs the tools integrated via it. However, the Google Tag Manager does collect your IP address, which may also be transferred to Google’s parent company in the United States.

The Google Tag Manager is used on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the quick and uncomplicated integration and administration of various tools on his website. If appropriate consent has been obtained, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG, insofar the consent includes the storage of cookies or the access to information in the user’s end device (e.g., device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TDDDG. This consent can be revoked at any time.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/5780.

Google Analytics

This website uses functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Google Analytics enables the website operator to analyze the behavior patterns of website visitors. To that end, the website operator receives a variety of user data, such as pages accessed, time spent on the page, the utilized operating system and the user’s origin. This data is summarized in a user-ID and assigned to the respective end device of the website visitor.

Furthermore, Google Analytics allows us to record your mouse and scroll movements and clicks, among other things. Google Analytics uses various modeling approaches to augment the collected data sets and uses machine learning technologies in data analysis.

Google Analytics uses technologies that make the recognition of the user for the purpose of analyzing the user behavior patterns (e.g., cookies or device fingerprinting). The website use information recorded by Google is, as a rule transferred to a Google server in the United States, where it is stored.

The use of these services occurs on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25(1) TDDDG. You may revoke your consent at any time.

Data transmission to the US is based on the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) of the European Commission. Details can be found here: https://privacy.google.com/businesses/controllerterms/mccs/.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/5780.

IP anonymization

Google Analytics IP anonymization is active. As a result, your IP address will be abbreviated by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other states that have ratified the Convention on the European Economic Area prior to its transmission to the United States. The full IP address will be transmitted to one of Google’s servers in the United States and abbreviated there only in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google shall use this information to analyze your use of this website to generate reports on website activities and to render other services to the operator of this website that are related to the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted in conjunction with Google Analytics from your browser shall not be merged with other data in Google’s possession.

Browser plug-in

You can prevent the recording and processing of your data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.

For more information about the handling of user data by Google Analytics, please consult Google’s Data Privacy Declaration at: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en.

Google Signals

We use Google Signals. Whenever you visit our website, Google Analytics records, among other things, your location, the progression of your search and YouTube progression as well as demographic data (site visitor data). This data may be used for customized advertising with the assistance of Google Signal. If you have a Google account, your site visitor information will be linked to your Google account by Google Signal and used to send you customized promotional messages. The data is also used to compile anonymized statistics of our users’ online patterns.

Contract data processing

We have executed a contract data processing agreement with Google and are implementing the stringent provisions of the German data protection agencies to the fullest when using Google Analytics.

Google Ads

The website operator uses Google Ads. Google Ads is an online promotional program of Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Google Ads enables us to display ads in the Google search engine or on third-party websites, if the user enters certain search terms into Google (keyword targeting). It is also possible to place targeted ads based on the user data Google has in its possession (e.g., location data and interests; target group targeting). As the website operator, we can analyze these data quantitatively, for instance by analyzing which search terms resulted in the display of our ads and how many ads led to respective clicks.

The use of these services occurs on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25(1) TDDDG. You may revoke your consent at any time.

Data transmission to the US is based on the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) of the European Commission. Details can be found here: https://policies.google.com/privacy/frameworks and https://business.safety.google/controllerterms/.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/5780.

Google Ads Remarketing

This website uses the functions of Google Ads Remarketing. The provider of these solutions is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

With Google Ads Remarketing, we can assign people who interact with our online offering to specific target groups in order to subsequently display interest-based advertising to them in the Google advertising network (remarketing or retargeting).

Moreover, it is possible to link the advertising target groups generated with Google Ads Remarketing to device encompassing functions of Google. This makes it possible to display interest-based customized advertising messages, depending on your prior usage and browsing patterns on a device (e.g., cell phone) in a manner tailored to you as well as on any of your devices (e.g., tablet or PC).

If you have a Google account, you have the option to object to personalized advertising under the following link: https://adssettings.google.com/anonymous?hl=de.

The use of these services occurs on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25(1) TDDDG. You may revoke your consent at any time.

For further information and the pertinent data protection regulations, please consult the Data Privacy Policies of Google at: https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=en.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/5780.

Formation of Target Groups with Customer Reconciliation

For the formation of target groups, we use, among other things, the Google Ads Remarketing customer reconciliation feature. To achieve this, we transfer certain customer data (e.g., email addresses) from our customer lists to Google. If the respective customers are Google users and are logged into their Google accounts, matching advertising messages within the Google network (e.g., YouTube, Gmail or in a search engine) are displayed for them to view.

Google Conversion-Tracking

This website uses Google Conversion Tracking. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

With the assistance of Google Conversion Tracking, we are in a position to recognize whether the user has completed certain actions. For instance, we can analyze the how frequently which buttons on our website have been clicked and which products are reviewed or purchased with particular frequency. The purpose of this information is to compile conversion statistics. We learn how many users have clicked on our ads and which actions they have completed. We do not receive any information that would allow us to personally identify the users. Google as such uses cookies or comparable recognition technologies for identification purposes.

The use of these services occurs on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25(1) TDDDG. You may revoke your consent at any time.

For more information about Google Conversion Tracking, please review Google’s data protection policy at: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/5780.

Meta Pixel (formerly Facebook Pixel)

To measure conversion rates, this website uses the visitor activity pixel of Facebook/Meta. The provider of this service is Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. According to Facebook’s statement the collected data will be transferred to the USA and other third-party countries too.

This tool allows the tracking of page visitors after they have been linked to the website of the provider after clicking on a Facebook ad. This makes it possible to analyze the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes and to optimize future advertising campaigns.

For us as the operators of this website, the collected data is anonymous. We are not in a position to arrive at any conclusions as to the identity of users. However, Facebook archives the information and processes it, so that it is possible to make a connection to the respective user profile and Facebook is in a position to use the data for its own promotional purposes in compliance with the Facebook Data Usage Policy (https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/). This enables Facebook to display ads on Facebook pages as well as in locations outside of Facebook. We as the operator of this website have no control over the use of such data.

The use of these services occurs on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25(1) TDDDG. You may revoke your consent at any time.

Within the meta pixel, we are using the expanded alignment function.

The expanded alignment allows us to transfer to Meta (Facebook) different types of data (e.g., place of residence, federal state, zip code, hashed email addresses, names, gender, date of birth or phone number) of our customers and prospects we collect through our website. As a result of this activation, we can tailor the offers presented in our advertising campaigns on Facebook to individuals interested in what we offer even more precisely. Moreover, this expanded alignment optimizes the allocation of website conversions and expands custom audiences.

Insofar as personal data is collected on our website with the help of the tool described here and forwarded to Facebook, we and Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland are jointly responsible for this data processing (Art. 26 DSGVO). The joint responsibility is limited exclusively to the collection of the data and its forwarding to Facebook. The processing by Facebook that takes place after the onward transfer is not part of the joint responsibility. The obligations incumbent on us jointly have been set out in a joint processing agreement. The wording of the agreement can be found under: https://www.facebook.com/legal/controller_addendum. According to this agreement, we are responsible for providing the privacy information when using the Facebook tool and for the privacy-secure implementation of the tool on our website. Facebook is responsible for the data security of Facebook products. You can assert data subject rights (e.g., requests for information) regarding data processed by Facebook directly with Facebook. If you assert the data subject rights with us, we are obliged to forward them to Facebook.

Data transmission to the US is based on the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) of the European Commission. Details can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/legal/EU_data_transfer_addendum and https://de-de.facebook.com/help/566994660333381.

In Facebook’s Data Privacy Policies, you will find additional information about the protection of your privacy at: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/.

You also have the option to deactivate the remarketing function “Custom Audiences” in the ad settings section under https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/?entry_product=ad_settings_screen. To do this, you first have to log into Facebook.

If you do not have a Facebook account, you can deactivate any user-based advertising by Facebook on the website of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/de/praferenzmanagement/.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/4452.

Facebook Custom Audiences

We use Facebook Custom Audiences. The provider of this service is Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Whenever you visit or use our website and apps, utilize our portfolio (e.g., participation in sweepstakes), transfer data to us or interact with the Facebook content of our company, we record related personal data. In the event that you have given us your consent to the use of Facebook Custom Audiences, we will share these data with Facebook to put Facebook in a position to send you compatible ads. These data may also be used to defined target audiences (Lookalike Audiences).

Facebook processes these data as our contract processor. For details, please consult the user agreement of Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/customaudience.

The use of these services occurs on the basis of your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25(1) TDDDG. You may revoke your consent at any time.

The transfer of date to the USA is based on the standard contract clauses of the EU Commission. For details please see: https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/customaudience and https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/dataprocessing.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/4452.

TikTok Pixel

We have integrated TikTok pixel on this website. The provider is TikTok Technology Limited, 10 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, D02 T380, Ireland (hereinafter TikTok).

With the help of TikTok Pixel, we can display interest-based advertisements on TikTok to website visitors who have viewed our offers (TikTok Ads). At the same time, TikTok Pixel allows us to determine how effective our advertising is on TikTok. This allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of the TikTok Ads for statistical and market research purposes and to optimize them for future advertising efforts. For this purpose, various usage data are processed, such as IP address, page views, time spent, operating system used and origin of the user, information about the ad on which a person clicked on TikTok or an event that was triggered (timestamp). This data is summarized in a user ID and assigned to the respective end device of the website visitor.

The use of this tool is based on Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Data transfer to third-party countries is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. Details can be found here: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/page/eea/privacy-policy/de-DE and https://ads.tiktok.com/i18n/official/policy/controller-to-controller.

Data processing

We have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) for the use of the above-mentioned service. This is a contract mandated by data privacy laws that guarantees that they process personal data of our website visitors only based on our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

LinkedIn Insight Tag

This website uses the Insight tag from LinkedIn. This service is provided by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Data processing by LinkedIn Insight tag

We use the LinkedIn Insight tag to obtain information about visitors to our website. Once a website visitor is registered with LinkedIn, we can analyze the key occupational data (e.g., career level, company size, country, location, industry, job title) of our website visitors to help us better target our site to the relevant audience. We can also use LinkedIn Insight tags to measure whether visitors to our websites make a purchase or perform other actions (conversion measurement). Conversion measurement can also be carried out across devices (e.g. from PC to tablet). LinkedIn Insight Tag also features a retargeting function that allows us to display targeted advertising to visitors to our website outside of the website. According to LinkedIn, no identification of the advertising addressee takes place.

LinkedIn itself also collects log files (URL, referrer URL, IP address, device and browser characteristics and time of access). The IP addresses are shortened or (if they are used to reach LinkedIn members across devices) hashed (pseudonymized). The direct identifiers of LinkedIn members are deleted by LinkedIn after seven days. The remaining pseudonymized data will then be deleted within 180 days.

The data collected by LinkedIn cannot be assigned by us as a website operator to specific individuals. LinkedIn will store the personal data collected from website visitors on its servers in the USA and use it for its own promotional activities. For details, please see LinkedIn’s privacy policy at https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy#choices-oblig.

Legal basis

If your approval (consent) has been obtained the use of the abovementioned service shall occur on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 TDDDG (German Telecommunications Act). Such consent may be revoked at any time. If your consent was not obtained, the use of the service will occur on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR; the website operator has a legitimate interest in effective advertising promotions that include the utilization of social media.

Data transmission to the US is based on the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) of the European Commission. Details can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/l/dpa and https://www.linkedin.com/legal/l/eu-sccs.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/5448.

Objection to the use of LinkedIn Insight Tag

You can object to LinkedIn’s analysis of user behavior and targeted advertising at the following link: https://www.linkedin.com/psettings/guest-controls/retargeting-opt-out.

In addition, LinkedIn members can control the use of their personal information for promotional purposes in the account settings. To prevent LinkedIn from linking information collected on our site to your LinkedIn account, you must log out of your LinkedIn account before you visit our site.

Data processing

We have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) for the use of the above-mentioned service. This is a contract mandated by data privacy laws that guarantees that they process personal data of our website visitors only based on our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.


We have integrated Pinterest-Tag into this website. The provider is Pinterest Europe Ltd., Palmerston House, 2nd Floor, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.

The purpose of Pinterest-Tag is to record certain actions you perform on our website. Subsequently, the data can be used to display promotions to you that meet your interests on our website or on another Pinterest-Tag website.

For this purpose, Pinterest-Tag records, among other things, a Tag ID, your location, and the referrer URL. Furthermore, action specific data, such as the order value, ordered quantity, order number, the category of the purchased item and video views may be recorded.

Pinterest-Tag uses technologies that make the recognition of the user across sites possible, so that the user patterns can be analyzed (e.g., cookies or device fingerprinting).

If your approval (consent) has been obtained the use of the abovementioned service shall occur on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 TDDDG (German Telecommunications Act). Such consent may be revoked at any time. If your consent was not obtained, the use of the service will occur on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR; the website operator has a legitimate interest in ensuring the maximum effectiveness of the operator’s marketing activities.

Pinterest is an enterprise that does business around the globe, so that data may also be transmitted into the United States. Based on Pinterest’s statements, this data transmission is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commissions. For details please visit: https://policy.pinterest.com/de/privacy-policy.

For more Pinterest-Tag information please visit: https://help.pinterest.com/de/business/article/track-conversions-with-pinterest-tag.

Data processing

We have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) for the use of the above-mentioned service. This is a contract mandated by data privacy laws that guarantees that they process personal data of our website visitors only based on our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

6. Plug-ins and Tools

YouTube with expanded data protection integration

This website integrates videos from the YouTube website. The operator of the website is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

When you visit one of these websites on which YouTube is integrated, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. This tells the YouTube server which of our pages you have visited. If you are logged into your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to assign your surfing behavior directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.

We use YouTube in extended data protection mode. According to YouTube, videos that are played in extended data protection mode are not used to personalize browsing on YouTube. Ads that are played in extended data protection mode are also not personalized. No cookies are set in extended data protection mode. Instead, so-called local storage elements are stored in the user’s browser, which contain personal data similar to cookies and can be used for recognition. Details on the extended data protection mode can be found here: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/171780.

After activating a YouTube video, further data processing operations may be triggered over which we have no influence.

The use of YouTube is based on our interest in presenting our online content in an appealing manner. Pursuant to Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR, this is a legitimate interest. If appropriate consent has been obtained, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG, insofar the consent includes the storage of cookies or the access to information in the user’s end device (e.g., device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TDDDG. This consent can be revoked at any time.

For more information on how YouTube handles user data, please consult the YouTube Data Privacy Policy under: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/5780.

Google Fonts (local embedding)

This website uses so-called Google Fonts provided by Google to ensure the uniform use of fonts on this site. These Google fonts are locally installed so that a connection to Google’s servers will not be established in conjunction with this application.

For more information on Google Fonts, please follow this link: https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq and consult Google’s Data Privacy Declaration under: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

Google Maps

This website uses the mapping service Google Maps. The provider is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. With the means of this service, we can integrate map material on our website.

To enable the use of the Google Maps features, your IP address must be stored. As a rule, this information is transferred to one of Google’s servers in the United States, where it is archived. The operator of this website has no control over the data transfer. In case Google Maps has been activated, Google has the option to use Google Fonts for the purpose of the uniform depiction of fonts. When you access Google Maps, your browser will load the required web fonts into your browser cache, to correctly display text and fonts.

We use Google Maps to present our online content in an appealing manner and to make the locations disclosed on our website easy to find. This constitutes a legitimate interest as defined in Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. If appropriate consent has been obtained, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG, insofar the consent includes the storage of cookies or the access to information in the user’s end device (e.g., device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TDDDG. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Data transmission to the US is based on the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) of the European Commission. Details can be found here: https://privacy.google.com/businesses/gdprcontrollerterms/ and https://privacy.google.com/businesses/gdprcontrollerterms/sccs/.

For more information on the handling of user data, please review Google’s Data Privacy Declaration under: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

The company is certified in accordance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the US, which is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards for data processing in the US. Every company certified under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data protection standards. For more information, please contact the provider under the following link: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/participant/5780.